New Orleans Showcase
Off-Line Order Form
Please print all information neatly. For complete shipping/ordering guidelines, please see our website.
Please Mail To:
New Orleans Showcase¨ 9500 Kuepferle Ct.¨ River Ridge, LA 70123
Or Fax To: 504-739-9730
7 Digit Item Number |
Product Description |
Quantity Ordered |
Unit Price |
Total Price |
Subtotal (i.e. the total for merchandise only. …..______________
Sales tax (4% for La. Residents
- 8.75% for Jeff. Parish residents)……………..… ______________
Shipping (see website, or let us calculate)………______________
Billing Address:
Name: ______________________________________________
Street Address: _______________________________________
City______________________ State: ______ Zip: ___________
Telephone number: (____)-__________________
Email address (orders will be confirmed to this address):________________________@________________
Payment Information:
Credit card type (Visa or Mastercard): _____________________
Credit card number: ____________________________
Exp. Date: _________________
Name on credit card: __________________________________
Shipping Method
________ Standard service (shipping time is typically 3 - 10 days)
________ USPS Priority Service (2 - 3 day)
________ Overnight service
________ Books only (please select this method if your entire order is for books only)
Please note that that the times above represent only the typical transit time required by the various carriers. We generally ship your order within 2 days. Therefore, if you select "overnight" service, your order will generally arrive within 3 days (i.e. 2 days for processing and 1 day for shipping). When your order is ready to ship, we will send you an email (to the address entered above) that provides you with the appropriate tracking information.
Shipping Address:
_____ check here if the shipping address is the SAME as the billing address above. IF the shipping address is different from the address listed above, please fill out the information below:
Name: ______________________________________________
Street Address: _______________________________________
City: _____________________ State: ______ Zip: ___________
Telephone number: (________)-____________________